Monday, February 7, 2011

Fresh Start

Hello my friends...

Hope ya'll had a nice start to the week today. I actually don't mind Mondays all that much because I like the idea of starting fresh and getting into my weekly workout routine. Also, the Bachelor is on tonight :)
I already's pure trash. But it's something to look forward to and get my mind off of things for a while. A little "mental checkout" if you will.

Anyways, the day started off right with a sweet email from Seth and a quick devotion and prayer time. Then I headed to work to play with my sweet girl Kayla. While she napped I got together some paperwork for my job which was good. Love checking things off of my list!
After work I went to the gym and completed 2.5 miles of running on the treadmill before an hour long yoga sculpt class. I LOVE this class. It's not just yoga, it is actually more of a weight training class. The instructor is great and I feel calm and sore after (both good things) Try it sometime!

So now I'm home, in my jammies, and munchin on some cookies... Not a bad end to the day!
Hope ya'll are having a great start to the week. Remember that it's never to late to start FRESH :)
Random picture of me and my gorgeous sisters :)


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